會員/非會員說明 Account



1. 於平台右上角,點選"註冊"。

2. 只要輸入"帳號及密碼",捐款資料即會帶出。不需每次填寫個人資料

3. 只要輸入帳號及密碼,即可瀏覽您於此捐款平台上的歷史捐款記錄。


1. Click on “Sign up” at the upper right corner of the webpage.

2. Enter your account name and password to review donator information. You do not have to fill in the information every time you login.

3. Enter your account name and password to review your donation history on this platform.



1. 每次捐款,需點選非會員並重新輸入您的捐款人資料。

2. 每次捐款款完畢,需於查詢捐款記錄進行單筆捐款查詢。(捐款編號,每次完成捐款時,系統將發email至您信箱。)


1. Click on “Non-member” and fill in your information when you make a donation.

2. Check your donation record in the “Donation Records” section (a serial number will be emailed to you by the system).


At present, we only offer “donation via credit card.”


1. 單次捐款方式—信用卡捐款。( VISA / MASTER / JCB )
2. 定期捐款方式—信用卡定期捐款。


1. One-time donation: One-time payment via credit card ( VISA / MASTER / JCB )

2. Regular donations: Recurring credit card payment.

※Not applicable to debit cards

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